​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Operations and Prevention

The Operations and Prevention team is charged with managing our partnerships with our security partners through intelligence gathering and analysis, risk assessments, information sharing, training and exercises. The Operations Team focuses on the development of regional collaboration, strengthening planning and communications capabilities and implementing the National Infrastructure Protection Program.

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Grants and Finance

The Grants and Finance team oversees the distribution and compliance issues related to the federal Department ​​​of Homeland Security dollars awarded to Kentucky. Through a competitive and transparent process, grants are awarded to collaborative efforts that address critical security needs. Additionally, the Grants and Finance team is responsible for the financial administration of the KOHS.

Find Grants


The Training and Exercise Team provides realistic training exercises and capability evaluations for communities throughout Kentucky.

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External and Legislative Relations

The External and Legislative Relations team is responsible for coordinating KOHS' public awareness and outreach programs. It is charged with advancing the office's state and federal level legislative agenda, as well as handling media relations and press inquiries.

Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Plan

The KOHS, like all government entities, must adhre to strict guidlines in order to preserve the civil rights and liberties of the Commonwealth's citizens.  ​​The KOHS Civil Rights and LIberties Implementation plan can be viewed at the following link. KOHS Civil Rights_Civil Liberties Implemetation Plan10_23.pdf


About The Kentucky Office of Homeland Security

The Kentucky Office of Homeland Security carries out multiple missions mandated by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security as well as the Kentucky General Assembly.

How We Help
